MEMS and Microsensors 2024-2025

Professor: Giacomo Langfelder
Teaching Assistant: Riccardo Nastri
Laboratory Assistants: Luca Pileri, Marco De Pace, Andrea Fagnani

The aim of the course is to introduce the basic concepts of various types of electronic devices which allow to acquire physical, chemical and biological information from the outside world and also to act on it at microscopic level. The attention is focused on the operating principles of (CMOS) optical image sensors and of Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS). Their integration in more complex systems and with their electronics is also considered. The performances of these devices are discussed with particular reference to their various societal fields of application. Class-works about specific case-studies as well as experimental CAD laboratory activities are foreseen. Dedicated classes to relate the course matter to the ONU Agenda 2030 will be also presented.

News and Communications
Welcome folks, in this page you will find the links to the videos, the slides of the lectures, and the detailed and discussed solutions of numerical exercise and CAD classes!

All the slides and videos are made available well in advance with respect to the corresponding class date. The numerical exercises solutions are uploaded right after the corresponding classes.

The most updated course schedule is always available here!

Helpful slides, reviewing basics of electronics for non-electronic students, and focusing on the purpose of the course, have been added! Check further below on this page!


Slides (and link to Videos) of the course
C01 Course Introduction  (link to video)

C02 MEMS Technology  (link to video)
C03 MEMS Spring Mass Damper  (link to video)
C04 MEMS Accelerometer Part 1  (link to video)
C05 MEMS Accelerometer Part 2  (link to video)
C06 MEMS Accelerometer Part 3  (link to video)
C07 MEMS Accelerometer Part 4  (link to video)
C08 MEMS Resonator Part 1  (link to video)
C09 MEMS Resonator Part 2  (link to video)
C10 MEMS Resonator Part 3  (link to video)
C11 MEMS Gyroscope Part 1  (link to video)
C12 MEMS Gyroscope Part 2  (link to video)
C13 MEMS Gyroscope Part 3  (link to video)
C14 MEMS Gyroscope Part 4  (link to video)
C15 MEMS Gyroscope Part 5  (link to video)
C16 MEMS Gyroscope Part 6  (link to video)
C17 MEMS Magnetometer Part 1  (link to video)
C18 MEMS Magnetometer Part 2  (link to video)
C19 MEMS Magnetometer Part 3  (link to video)
C20 MEMS Characterization  (link to video)

C21 CMOS Sensors Basics Part 1  (link to video)
C22 CMOS Sensors Basics Part 2  (link to video)
C23 CMOS APS3T Part 1  (link to video)
C24 CMOS APS3T Part 2  (link to video)
C25 CMOS APS3T Part 3  (link to video)
C26 CMOS APS4T Part 1  (link to video)
C27 CMOS APS4T Part 2  (link to video)
C28 United Nations Goals and Microsensors

Exercises and links to Webex recorded solutions
E01 Accelerometer Design  (link to video)
E02 Accelerometer Readout  (link to video)
E03 Torsional Accelerometer  (link to video)
E04 CAD MEMS Capacitance simulation  (link to video)
E05 Tang resonator  (link to video)
E06 MEMS-based oscillator  (link to video)
E07 MEMS gyroscope electromechanical design  (link to video)
E08 CAD MEMS in-plane Accelerometer (link to video)
E09 MEMS gyroscope drive loop  (link to video)
E10 CAD MEMS torsional Accelerometer (link to video)
E11 CAD MEMS yaw Gyroscope  (link to video)
E12 CAD MEMS pitch/roll gyroscope (link to video)
E13 MEMS gyroscope sense chain and noise (link to video)
E14 MEMS microphone design (link to video)
E15 CAD photodiode (link to video)
E16 Photon flux and pixel photocurrent (link to video)
E17 Signal to Noise ratio in a CMOS pixel (link to video)
E18 Dynamic range in CMOS image sensors (link to video)
E19 Photon Transfer Curve (link to video)
E20 CAD Pinned photodiode (link to video)

Review of basic electronics (focused for non-electronic students)
B01 photodiodes
B02 MOS noise
B03 eln basics

S01 P. Fedeli (ST): "ThELMA-Double: a novel technology for 3D development of MEMS IMU"
S02 V. Avantagiati, C. Marra (TDK): "System Design in MEMS Gyroscopes: from mechanics to digital"
S03 L. Gaffuri Pagani, F. Sechi (BOSCH): "Consumer Inertial MEMS – High Tech in Your Hands"

Exams Text and Solution (use them for practice during exam preparation)
Note: there may be unavoidable minor errors in the solutions of the exams below. If you find them, please send to Professors a warning, which will be very appreciated.

03/02/2016 - Text and Solution
17/02/2016 - Text and Solution
11/07/2016 - Text and Solution
13/09/2016 - Text and Solution
27/09/2016 - Text and Solution
30/01/2017 - Text and Solution
16/02/2017 - Text and Solution
03/07/2017 - Text and Solution
18/07/2017 - Text and Solution
08/09/2017 - Text and Solution
31/01/2018 - Text and Solution
21/02/2018 - Text and Solution
28/06/2018 - Text and Solution
13/07/2018 - Text and Solution
09/03/2018 - Text and Solution
09/01/2019 - Text and Solution
31/01/2019 - Text and Solution
26/06/2019 - Text and Solution
19/07/2019 - Text and Solution
02/09/2019 - Text and Solution
24/01/2020 - Text and Solution
20/02/2020 - Text and Solution
11/06/2020 - Text and Solution
06/07/2020 - Text and Solution
10/09/2020 - Text and Solution
21/12/2020 - Text and Solution
26/01/2021 - Text and Solution
17/02/2021 - Text and Solution
26/06/2021 - Text and Solution
13/07/2021 - Text and Solution
22/12/2021 - Text and Solution
17/01/2022 - Text and Solution
14/02/2022 - Text and Solution
21/06/2022 - Text and Solution
05/09/2022 - Text and Solution
21/12/2022 - Text and Solution
13/01/2023 - Text and Solution
06/02/2023 - Text and Solution
22/12/2023 - Text and Solution
11/01/2024 - Text and Solution
01/02/2024 - Text and Solution
20/12/2024 - Text and Solution
20/01/2025 - Text and Solution

MATLAB Scripts 
MATLAB routine #1 for sample Root Allan Variance visualization with different white noise, 1/f noise and offset drift. Enjoy...
MATLAB routine #2 for sample Photon Transfer Curve visualization as a function of different active pixel parameters. Enjoy...

Comsol Files
Comsol file #1 for Cad exercise on Capacitors
Comsol file #2 for Cad exercise on Accelerometers
Comsol file #3 for Cad exercise on Torsional Accelerometers
Comsol file #4 for Cad exercise on Yaw Gyroscopes
Comsol file #5 for Cad exercise on Gyroscopes
Comsol file #6 for CAD exercise on Photodiodes
Comsol file #7 for CAD exercise on Pinned Diodes

Interesting tutorial on gyroscope design from the Comsol website


Other Courses

Optoelectronic Systems and Digital Imaging

Professor: Giacomo Langfelder
Teaching Assistant: Paolo Minotti

The course covers the operation of some optoelectronic systems of general interest, starting from the characteristics of components and from the needs of the applications, in order to make the student is able to choose the most appropriate solutions, knowing the limits of use and performance theoretically achievable, and to design simple systems. Topics: 1) Systems for capturing digital images and resolution limits of optics and sensor. CCD and CMOS sensors; electronic signal reading; S / N ratio; dynamic range. Acquisition of color images. 2) Systems for the representation of colour images: LCD displays. Gamut. Backlight. 3) Systems for colour measurement: colour spaces and colour representation. Colorimeters and spectrophotometers. 4) Measurement of infrared signals: sensors. Applications to imaging and temperature measurement.

Slides of the course:
00 Introduction
01 Human Vision
02 Light Sources
03 Geometric Optics
04 Aberration Diffraction
05 FOV and DOF
06 Resolution MTF
07 Sensor MTF
08 Sensor Introduction
09 Active Pixel
10 HDR
11 4T and CDS
12 Color Acquisition
13 CFA and Demosaicking
14 System Noise
15 TFD
16 XYZ Color Space
17 Perceptual Color Spaces
18 Color Conversion
19 White Balance
20 Color Errors
21 Multispectral Imaging
22 Digital Imaging Simulations
23 Image Representation
24 Display Technologies
25 Vis+NIR Acquisition
26 Infrared Temperature Measurement
27 Auxiliary Subsystems

E01 Photodiodes Review
E02 Evaluation of the number of photons impinging on a camera pixel, starting from a generic scene
E03 Photography at known distances of known objects: choice of the camera parameters
E04 MOS and Noise Review
E05 Signal-to-Noise Ratio of a 3T APS for digital cameras
E06 Dynamic Range, choice of the ADC, maximum SNR of a 3T APS
E07 Timing issues in CMOS image sensors: maximum readout speed and rolling shutter readout
E08 Circuits for Correlated Double Sampling
E09 Photon Transfer
E10 Layered-junction sensor
E11 White Balance
E12 Color Instruments
E13 Summary Exercises
E14 Liquid-Cristal Display
E15 Image Sensor Design
E16 Temperature Monitoring
E17 Summary Exercises
Sample Exam


NEWS from the lab...
05-09-2022 two contributions from the lab accepted at the 2022 ICECS conference to be held next October in Glasgow! Congrats to Matteo Gianollo and all co-authors!

10-06-2022 good luck to Paolo Frigerio, who has just become an Assistant Professor with the DEIB department!

01-05-2022 we welcome Riccardo Nastri, who joined the laboratory as a PhD student!

08-05-2022 three contributions from the lab were presented at the 9th IEEE International Symposium on inertial sensors and systems: congratulations to all co-authors! Special cheers to A. Buffoli for the first runner-up award!

20-06-2021 best poster award granted to our presentation at the 2021 Transducers conference! Congratulations to Paolo Frigerio, Matteo Gianollo and all other co-authors!

01-05-2021 we welcome Christian Padovani and Andrea Buffoli, joining the lab with PhD focused on high performance inertial sensors!

24-09-2020 two contributions from the MEMS lab have been accepted for lecture presentation at IEEE Sensors 2020, to be held this October. Congrats to both Marco Gadola (M&NEMS gyroscopes) and Paolo Frigerio (MEMS-based RTCs) for their research!

08-09-2020 the first thesis student who started the M.S. Thesis during the lockdown is today on his first lab day! Welcome back to the MEMS laboratory, stay safe and take care!

01-08-2020 congratulations to G. Mussi and co-authors for disseminating a fantastic paper on integrated electronics for MEMS RTC! Look for the article "A MEMS Real-Time Clock with Single-Temperature Calibration and Deterministic Jitter Cancellation" on the IEEE website!

12-05-2020 congratulations to L. Gaffuri for disclosing the first scientific IEEE article on 3D-printed MEMS flow meters!

04-11-2019 the MEMS and Microsensors laboratory celebrates 13 years of education and research! What a sweet way to do so!

here the link to Prof. Langfelder invited talk at IEEE Sensors 2019. Enjoy!

01-09-2019 congratulations to G. Mussi and co-authors for disseminating a brilliant article on MEMS real-time-clocks compensation vs temperature! Look for the TIE article "An Outlook on Potentialities and Limits in Using Epitaxial Polysilicon for MEMS Real-Time Clocks" on the IEEE website!

announcing the invited talk by Giacomo Langfelder at the upcoming IEEE Sensors conference 2019 in Montreal, Canada: "Frequency-modulated MEMS accelerometers for wide dynamic range and ultra-low consumption". Come join us in Quebec!

30-06-2019 Giacomo Langfelder presented an invited talk at the Transducers/Eurosensors 2019 Conference in Berlin, June 2019. The invited contribution title is "Frequency Modulated MEMS gyroscopes: recent developments , challenges and outlook". Check the upcoming proceedings on the IEEE website.

01-05-2019. Two presentations at the IEEE Inertial conference, three presentations at the IEEE MEMS conference, two presentations at the IFCS conference, and three presentations at Transducers... what a start for this 2019! Congratulations to all co-authors!

02-11-2018. A warm welcome to Paolo Frigerio and Leonardo Gaffuri, who have just started their PhD! Have three wonderful years of scientific research!

29-10-2018. A very complete article on the system-level development of frequency modulated gyroscopes has been accepted for publications in the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics! Congratulations to all co-authors of "Fully Integrated, 406 ¼A, 5 æ/hr, Full Digital Output Lissajous Frequency-Modulated Gyroscope"!